
Frequently asked questions

In this section we have answers to the most frequently asked questions. In case your question is not answered in this section please contact us by email info@divize.com We have grouped the questions in the following sections:


Technical Questions.


How do I connect the A2007x?

The information about the connections can be found with our technical information page about 2 and 4 wire 4-20mA current loop

What is the difference between 2-wire en 4-wire current loop?

The difference is which device powers the loop. With 2-wire 4-20mA the power for the loop is delivered by the receiving equipment. With 4-wire 4-20 mA the power for the loop is delivered by the current sending equipment. The receiving equipment is passive.

What is the difference between active and passive 4-20mA?

Active 4-20mA equipment provides power for the loop. Passive 4-20mA equipment does not supply power to the loop. The A2007 is a passive 4-20mA device.

I want to test a I/P converter. How do I connect the A2007?

For testing a I/P converter or valve positioner an extra power supply is needed. A valve positioner is a passive 4-20mA device, the A2007 is also a passive 4-20mA device. The A2007 can be connected as indicated in the diagram below.
4-20mA IP converter

I want to test a Siemens SM331 analogue input module, can I use the A2007 current loop controller?

Yes you can, the SM331 analogue input module can be configured in both 2-wire and 4-wire 4-20mA. Depending on the configuration of the module, the A2007x can be connected as indicated in the diagram below.
SM331 2-wire 4-20mASM331 4-wire 4-20mA

The left diagram shows the SM331 module configured for 2-wire 4-20 mA (2DMU) the measurement range selection module is in position D. The card will supply power for the loop, the A2007 is passive.
The right diagram shows the SM331 module configured for 4-wire 4-20 mA (4DMU) the measurement range selection module is in position C. The card is passive, the voltage for the loop is supplied by the 24VDC power supply.

Can I use the A2007 current loop controller for simulating 0-20mA?

No, this is not possible. The A2007 current loop controllers are powered by the loop, a minimum current is necessary to power the A2007. The minimum current is 1,6mA see A2007E-SP

What is a 10 turn potentiometer?

On a 10 turn potentiometer the axle need to be turned 10 rounds for the complete 4-20mA range. A very accurate setting of the current is possible in this way. When the axle of a 10 turn potentiometer is turned 90 degrees, the current will change 0,4 mA. When the axle of a standard potentiometer is turned 90 degrees the current will change 4,8 mA


Questions about orders.

Can I pick up items at DIVIZE?

Yes, you can pick up items on request. An appointment for pick up can be made by email, send your request to info@divize.com Shipping and handling fee will not be charged.

Do I need to create an account to order items from the DIVIZE web shop?

No, it is not necessary to create an account. Orders can be placed without an account. With an account order placement is faster and easier. The order process can be followed on your personal account page.

Does DIVIZE accept credit card payment?

Yes, credit card payment can be done via the PayPal payment option. see Credit Card payment Procedure

Does DIVIZE deliver with 0% VAT to European Union customers?

Yes, when you have a valid European VAT ID this can be entered during the checkout process, when the VAT ID is valid no tax has to be paid after checkout see our explanation about EU-vat checkout

I did not receive the confirmation email after order completion?

Please check your spam box. The confirmation mail may have been delivered to your spam box. When this happens please inform us so we can check our mail server.

Are all products on stock?

Normally all items are on stock. However it is possible items are sold out because a larger quantity was ordered the our stock at the moment. We also accept orders by fax or by email, therefore the stock on our web shop is not always the actual amount. When your order is not in stock we will sent an email with an estimated delivery date. We will do everything we can to deliver your order as soon as possible.

When is my order delivered?

When your order is in stock, we try to ship it the same day, however please take in account an delivery of 2-3 working days. In special cases the delivery can take up to 5 working days.

I received an email with a shipping confirmation, however my order was not delivered after 3 days.

Please contact us by email  info@divize.com we can find out what happened to your order and make sure it is delivered as soon as possible.

Does DIVIZE ship outside the Netherlands?

DIVIZE ships products all over the world.
For an overview of shipping duration and cost see our shipping page

Can I return a product?

Products can be returned at any time without a reason within 14 days after receiving the item. When we have received the item, the purchase amount will be returned excluding packaging and handling cost.

You can return your product to:
Industrieweg 26

Can I exchange a product?

In case you want to change your product, the product needs to be returned. The amount will be returned so you can order your new product through our web shop.


Information about the web shop

Where can I find the general terms and conditions, privacy statement and disclaimer?

These items can be found on the following pages:
General terms and conditions
Privacy Statement

Where can i find PDF attachments?

We have collected all attachments on 1 page for easy reference.

How can I un-subscribe for the newsletter?

Un-subscriptions can be sent by email to: info@divize.com. Or by the link at the bottom of our newsletter.

I have lost my password, what to do?

On the account login page we have provided a link to request a new password.

Can I track the progress of my order on-line?

When you have created an account, the progress of your orders can be followed by logging in to your account.

Will my personal information be used for commercial purposes with others then DIVIZE?

No, absolutely not, we will threat your personal information with care. Only parties involved with processing your order will be informed about your data.

© Divize b.v. ; August 6, 2012 Last update: January 6, 2022.
  1. K4009A01 oxygen sensor connection cable
    Oxygen analyser sensor cable.
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