Signal sources
DIVIZE has several signal sources for testing measurement and control systems such as controllers, displays, PLC's and DCS systems.
- Bipolar variable current source -20/+20 mA
A2034E-IU€114.52Bipolar -20...20mA current source.
The -20/+20mA signal is used in various industrial applications. The A2034E-IA current source allows to replicate the -20...+20mA signal to check and test the actuators such as EHSV in hydraulic systems, variable frequency converter drives and various other applications.
A2034E-IU Bipolar variable current source -20/+20 mA details - Bipolar variable current source -8/+8 mA
A2034E-IA€114.52Bipolar -8...8mA current source.
The -8/+8mA signal is used in modern aircraft to control several functions. The A2034E-IA current source allows to replicate the -8...+8mA signal to check and test the actuators such as EHSV used on board the aircraft.
A2034E-IA Bipolar variable current source -8/+8 mA details
Signal sources for simulating several electrical signals as used in measurement and control techniques.